Elephant Parade statement on coronavirus and planned 2020 activity


Elephant Parade today announces that is has closed its 23 retail shops across Asia until further notice and has postponed all its scheduled Elephant Parade public art expositions for the months ahead. 

Elephant Parade will continue to be active through its online channels and social media and it hopes that Mosha’s story and the vibrant, positive art online will inspire people to endure and overcome the current crisis and to bring welcome moments of colour, positivity and escapism to the millions of people isolated in their homes.

Elephant Parade’s primary concern is the safety and wellbeing of its supporters, partners and staff. Elephant Parade strongly encourages people worldwide to follow all the advisory guidelines to ensure best practice. Elephant Parade has helped save elephants, today the task is for people to work together to also save human lives.

Rene de Witt, CEO at Elephant Parade comments: “Nothing could have prepared the Elephant Parade team for the impact of Coronavirus pandemic on our world. Travel, public expositions and retail have been hit especially hard and the long-term impact on lives, society and businesses are still unknown. At a time when it's impossible to have business as usual, we are taking a moment to pause, take stock and reflect.

“Our aim has always been to bring the message of hope, positivity and creativity through art. We believe in the power of our elephants to help paint a brighter future for all, as for more than 10 years our free art exhibitions and miniature painted elephants have generated millions of smiles all around the world and supported elephant welfare. When the coronavirus has passed, we hope to be part of helping people around the world to rebuild their lives and to help businesses, communities and families to prepare for a brighter future. 

Elephant Parade remains devoted to elephants. We still seek to protect their environment and ecosystems. Our commitment to raising funds and awareness for the plight of the Asian elephant remains. We will find ways to have an impact, and we welcome your interaction and support online. While we are all in isolation, from our homes, we can set our minds on strategies to collectively save the planet. It is impossible to disregard the effect of these troubling times, wondering how the future will shape out. But we will overcome as one global family, we’re in this together and we will overcome it together.”

During this unprecedented time where millions of people are self-isolating, Elephant Parade will continue via online channels to support, connect people and bring positivity. Elephant Parade wants to hear from you. Keep in touch @elephantparadefan #elephantparadefan. For any queries, you can always reach us at info@elephantparade.com or via Facebook chat.

Support Elephant Conservation

With every purchase of an Elephant Statue you support conservation projects worldwide

  • Ayutthaya Silver by Parichart Injaima
  • Simply Gold sitting by Studio Chiang Mai
  • Hommage to Mondriaan by Nipon Kaewkumdee
  • Home is where the Heart is by Diana Francis
  • In the Eye of Beholder by Kristian Vodder Svensson
  • Plant Paradise by Thiti Suwan
  • Peeping Blue One by Studio Chiang Mai
  • Simply Violet sitting by Studio Chiang Mai
  • Return of Delightful Durian by Nat Posilla
  • Belinda by Khunakorn Muenpang
  • Raffles Landing #2 by Diana Francis
  • We love Mosha Global by Diana Francis
  • Likay by Narin Kantawong
  • Funny Cookies by Rasamee Kongchan
  • JAN by MilanTheArtist
  • Hidden Diamonds by Wanchalerm Mueanpang
  • Little Happy by Priscilla Teoh-Stoute
  • Indigo Tattoo by Chakrit Choochalerm
  • Dreamy by Mikko Ojala
  • Metallic Candy Blush by Studio Chiang Mai
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© Elephant Parade 2025