We spoke with Caroline, our previous Lucky Draw winner who is kind enough to share her experience winning a 30cm elephant of her choice! Caroline chose Elephant Herd as her prize. Find out why Elephant Herd is her pick in this interview!


Before you found our store, had you heard of or seen Elephant Parade before?

I can’t remember exactly when I found Elephant Parade but I do remember I first became aware of it from watching a feature on Mosha, I think I must have seen it on Facebook many years ago now. Shortly after this, I was on a visit to Dublin when I came across some of the Elephant Parade statues in a store and I was so happy I had found them. That day I bought my very first elephant “A Love Story” and that was the beginning of my elephant herd. You could even say it was the beginning of my love story with Elephant Parade. I now have 10 different elephants and have just ordered number 11 and I plan to add more in the near future. I also have the Elephant Parade art box, but my own elephant is still a work in progress and isn’t quite ready to join the rest of the herd just yet. We spoke with Caroline, our previous Lucky Draw winner who is kind enough to share her experience winning a 30cm elephant of her choice!


What makes elephants such special animals?

I think elephants are so special because they are beautiful, intelligent and playful animals who possess a caring, nurturing nature. And while I believe they are animals that have gentle souls, this does not take away from the fact they are also strong and powerful creatures. An elephant’s sense of family also really resonates with me, they’re the desire to protect and nurture their herd is a wonderful thing. I think elephants should be protected and cherished for the wonderful animals they are and for the joy they bring to the world around them.


Why did you choose this design as your prize?

I chose “Elephant Herd” for my prize because firstly, it was so colourful and vibrant. For me, I love colour, I find it joyful, so this elephant exudes joy for me. It’s fun and playful and essentially a happy looking elephant. The second reason I chose “Elephant Herd” was because the statue represents more than one elephant. The statue depicts and incorporates several elephants into its design and for me, it represents the importance of the herd, the family being at the heart and centre of everything. This is something important in my life so I feel a connection to that.



Where will you place your elephant?

My “Elephant Herd” prize will get pride of place in my home amongst my herd of other elephants. I’m waiting at the moment for a special display cabinet to arrive, especially for my elephants. They will have a special and permanent place all for themselves in my home, where they will be protected and cherished for years to come like elephants should be. In fact, a new addition, “We Love Mosha Chiangmai” will be joining them any day now and I look forward to adding it to my Elephant Parade collection. 


Anything else you'd like to add?

I would like to add that I think Elephant Parade is a great initiative, a very important one that educates us all on the need to protect elephants. And while it has an important message of elephant preservation at its core, Elephant Parade promotes this message in a fun, interactive and relatable way for people all around the world. The world needs to do more to help protect the survival of animals such as elephants for the future. I am grateful that Elephant Parade is doing all they can to help and that by supporting such a great cause, then people like me can do a little to help too. This world doesn’t just belong to us, animals such as elephants should have the freedom and protection to enjoy their world without fear too. So, in closing, I would just like to say thank you Elephant Parade for all you do. 


A big thank you to Caroline for allowing us to share her lovely interview and to thank all our supportive fans, we're excited to announce that we're going to pick our lucky draw winner more regularly, every 3 months!

To participate, just drop your business cards in our lucky draw jar at any Elephant Parade Shops or directly subscribe to our newsletter http://eepurl.com/dpLlhz to win a 20CM replica of your choice! We hope you enjoy learning about Caroline's experience as much as we do!

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With every purchase of an Elephant Statue you support conservation projects worldwide

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  • Tara Astamangala by Good Earth
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  • Likay by Narin Kantawong
  • Flitter Flutter by Nipon Kaewkumdee
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