This summer, the city center of Doetinchem will be brightened up with 28 life-size baby elephant statues by Elephant Parade. After cities such as London, Milan, Amsterdam, Rio de Janeiro and Dubai, Doetinchem can also join the list of (inter)national cities that will host this event. The traveling herd will settle in the center of Doetinchem from the 1st till the 31st of July and consists of colorful and unique designs made by local and international artists.

During the opening weekend of this event, all elephants will be exhibited together on the Simonsplein and local artist Rosalie van der Graaf (RoosArt) will start painting during a live-painting event with one of the three elephants specially designed for Doetinchem. In addition to the authentic design of RoosArt, a Doetinchem and an Achterhoek elephant will also join the international herd of artworks.

During the Parade, all kinds of activities are organized for young and old. In the first weekend, Street Theater Festival Extraordinary will take place, which will perform special acts in the elephant theme, especially for the arrival of Elephant Parade. Children can create their own elephant artwork in the shopping streets during the drawing competition. And in RoosArt's temporary open-air studio you can witness her creation during the live painting show.

From the 4th of July every elephant will have a permanent place in and around the center of Doetinchem. Together they will form a colorful walking route through the city center. “With this outdoor exhibition of the elephants, Doetinchem offers a special experience for visitors from all over the region and beyond,” says Sanne de Rijcke of Binnenstadbedrijf Doetinchem. Following on the success of World Street Painting Achterhoek in 2021, Binnenstadbedrijf Doetinchem was again looking for an accessible event with international allure this year. “The colorful artworks ensure a hospitable reception in the city center and the event fits in with our ambition to create a more cultural experience. Because of the traveling nature of the Parade, it also fits seamlessly with the theme 'Travel' that is central to all our events this year, Sanne explains the choice for the Elephant Parade.

Evelien Lagerweij of Elephant Parade adds: “The Elephant Parade herd travels around the world as an exhibition, but because the elephants are scattered throughout Doetinchem after the opening weekend, you travel through the center along a ribbon of colorful works of art. You will not only find them in the shopping streets, but also at tourist attractions and other gems that are already present around the city center. In addition, the elephants are great selfie spots and always bring a smile. With Elephant Parade exhibitions we draw worldwide attention to the welfare of elephants and awareness for their endangered habitat.”

For a map of Doetinchem with the locations of all elephants, please click HERE

Visit the local Pop-up shop at: Catharinastraat 8, Doetinchem.

JAN by MilantheArtist

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